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Results 41
Document Page
How many of us are planning on making improvements post lockdown? And what do we expect from the tradespeople entering our homes?
29 July 2020
How do consumers feel about returning to shops, pubs and restaurants after lockdown? And how many of us are keen to get on flights this summer?
30 June 2020
How are parents finding homeschooling during COVID-19 and what are they looking forward to when lockdown is over?
3 June 2020
Who is purchasing premium goods during lockdown and what are they buying?
5 May 2020
How has our behaviour changed during the Coronavirus crisis?
7 April 2020
How many of us bought a home recently and how did we find the money?
17 February 2020
How many of us have tried to cut down on our alcohol intake and will we actually finish Dry January?
21 January 2020
How much are we planning to spend over the festive period and what are the most popular gifts?
28 November 2019
How many minutes a day do we spend on our phones and what are we doing on them?
29 October 2019
How are 16-24s changing their lifestyles in 2019 and how many would stop buying from a brand that harms the environment?
2 October 2019
How many of us travel uninsured and who is most likely to buy a policy from a company they've never heard of?
4 September 2019
What are the country's top Guilty Pleasures and Vices? And which consumer group is most likely to indulge in retail therapy, screen time or fast food?
12 August 2019
From social media use and planning gaps years to pre-university purchases, here are five things you should know about freshers.
8 July 2019
From the Women's World Cup, to broadcasting and barriers to progress here are five things you should know about Women's Sport.
12 June 2019
A fresh mix of proprietary data and qualitative insight, covering the key economic and social indicators of this consumer group.
15 May 2019
The culture, issues, priorities, most and least important things in the lives of young people aged 16-23.
17 April 2019
The IPA Insight Centre provides research, analysis and statistics to help agencies with their new business pitches, campaign planning, competitor reviews, internal brainstorming and idea generation.
5 March 2019
29 January 2019
Throughout 2018 to support IPA President Sarah Golding’s Magic and the Machines agenda the IPA Insight Centre produced quarterly AI Radars, providing valuable insights into the attitudes of the...
6 December 2018
The IPA Insight Centre provides research, analysis and statistics to help agencies with their new business pitches, campaign planning, competitor reviews, internal brainstorming and idea...
3 December 2018
27 November 2018
15 October 2018
17 September 2018
20 August 2018
13 August 2018
16 July 2018
11 June 2018
9 April 2018
12 March 2018
20 February 2018
8 January 2018
The IPA Insight Centre provides research, analysis and statistics to help agencies with their new business pitches, campaign planning, competitor reviews, internal brainstorming and idea generation
12 December 2017