The IPA Effectiveness Accreditation is an endorsement that your agency culture is dedicated to business effectiveness. It can turn what you already do into a competitive advantage for attracting clients and talent, as well as providing an incentive to maintain existing high standards.
The IPA Effectiveness Accreditation is available to all IPA member agencies regardless of discipline or size.
Launched in 2021, the IPA Effectiveness Accreditation delivers distinction for your agency in a market where distinctiveness is sometimes difficult. It demonstrates that the agency understands that marketing is an investment which needs a return, and not purely a cost.
Effectiveness is often (wrongly) seen as something that inhibits creativity. In contrast, the IPA Accreditation helps liberate creativity by demonstrating that we know how to use it profitably.
Being awarded with the IPA Effectiveness Accreditation has been a key support in helping us really embed more of a culture of effectiveness within the agency. It’s also helped give us more credibility when engaging with prospective clients.
No, the accreditation is offered free of charge to all IPA member agencies.
Access to the online submission portal will be available from March 2025. The submission will be comprised of two parts: a written submission and an accompanying submission in a different format. These should detail the organisation’s philosophy and approach to effectiveness and demonstrate why it’s important to their business. Agencies must demonstrate what actions they are taking to promote effectiveness culture and what impact these actions have had.
Whilst effectiveness culture can be built over a sustained period of time, accreditation is valid for two years, so submissions should include activities and evidence from 2023/2024.
Agencies will also be asked for some details on the organisation within the submission, including number of employees, year of establishment and a brief description of the agency and clients. Prior to submitting, it is expected that you will have obtained sign-off from your agency’s leadership team.
A written description of 2000 - 2500 words, explaining the agency’s philosophy and approach to effectiveness and why it’s important to your business.
You are invited to attach an Appendix with evidence of your agency’s effectiveness culture, as referenced in your submission for judges to refer to. This will not be included in the word count but please keep this material to a reasonable volume.
This element of the submission can be in any medium, platform or channel other than that used in Part One and should be used as an additional opportunity to demonstrate your agency’s attitude to effectiveness and its impact.
It is the opportunity to submit something other than a word document, numbers, charts, simple images etc. to show how your focus on results is managed and celebrated. This is supplementary media to the main submission and should not take judges more than three minutes to review.
We are looking for you to bring to life your effectiveness culture in action. You may consider including your clients, who may be able to help demonstrate that effectiveness is on your agenda day to day, and/or show how you engage, and educate colleagues and new recruits. But neither of these is essential. Be creative.
It is our intention to showcase a number of these “Part Two” entries at IPA events and promotional platforms going forward. However, we will, of course, ask permission before using them.
After submission, the IPA will own copyright on the submission. Our objective is to pull together elements of successful practices for publication, to promote the adoption of a better effectiveness culture industry-wide. However, you will be able to indicate which elements of your written submission you wish to redact and not include in any external promotion. We have no wish to negatively affect any competitive advantage that an agency believes they possess.
The submissions will be assessed by a panel of leading brand owners, academics, authors and renowned Effectiveness specialists. The Accreditation Panel will be chaired by Margaret Jobling, Group Chief Marketing Officer, NatWest. None of the assessment panel will work for an existing agency. |
Entries will be judged against the following criteria, with the weighting for each criteria indicated below:
For each criteria, judges will be looking to understand how agencies are approaching challenges within the business, why this is important, and any resulting outcome. Merit will be granted for providing context and showing progress. Effectiveness culture is a journey, and we are interested in seeing what agencies are doing on a day-to-day basis to continuously improve, with evidence of its impact.
Each criteria is described below with some thoughts around each topic. This criteria list and the questions and comments around each are included only to provide stimulation and inspiration for your response, rather than a rigid structure for your entry, or a list of points to be addressed.
A clear vision to marketing effectiveness and how it creates business value, organisational alignment and effectiveness culture.
What difference does your effectiveness focus make in your relationship with clients?
Defining roles and responsibilities, effectiveness training and continuous learning.
The cycle of increased marketing intelligence, to decision making, activation of marketing activities, measurement, and improved business results.
An effectiveness capabilities ecosystem creating increasingly relevant and impactful marketing intelligence, and being fed by quality, accurate and timely data.
It is important to stress that the IPA and the judging panel are aware that a successful effectiveness culture is not easy to create. And the data that demonstrates that effectiveness is not always accessible. Judges will not be expecting flawless execution in all areas, rather a proven, focussed effort and mindset to drive and achieve a successful return – whatever the client perceives as “success”. It should be remembered that even the creation of a submission itself can deliver huge insight and reward for agencies.
Many entries in 2021 stated “Effectiveness is at the heart of everything we do”, or a similar statement. Judges will be looking for evidence not just a list of claims. When stating that you have a process and describing what you believe is important, remember to demonstrate how it is used in practice, and how those beliefs and processes are working day to day for your clients. Just as in the assessment of the IPA Effectiveness Awards, judges will be looking for proof that cultures and practices are being actioned and that they deliver on objectives.
Including recent client examples and case studies in your submission can be very useful in bringing evidence of your culture to life.
If successful, your agency will receive an effectiveness kitemark and certificate to use in communications. The selection of accredited agencies will be celebrated by the IPA in press and online.
Once achieved, the Accreditation will last for 2 years. Agencies will then have to reapply in 2025 to retain their status.
Those agencies who put forward a submission and are not awarded Accreditation will receive feedback from the Assessment Panel on which areas did not meet the necessary level and/or additional comments on their submission content. The names of these agencies will be kept confidential.
Alexandra Green, Head of Effectiveness Programme | 0207 201 8270 | [email protected]