IPA pays tribute to HM Queen Elizabeth II

Said IPA Director General Paul Bainsfair:

"It is with a heavy heart that we hear the news of the death of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. She has been Head of State and our Queen for all of our lifetime and she was revered across the World for her wisdom and her sense of duty. The greatest honour bestowed upon the IPA in its long history was when Her Majesty awarded our Royal Charter in 2015. We extend our sincerest condolences to the Royal Family as the nation enters a period of mourning."

The IPA guidance during the official period of mourning

For agencies looking for advice on how to conduct their day-to-day business activities during the official period of mourning, the IPA advice is:

  • To read the DCMS Mourning Guidance note for the official guidance on the death of HM Queen Elizabeth II.
  • To be aware of how media owners will be responding in terms of the appropriateness of advertising and marketing messages during the period of mourning. A number, including ITV have already made scheduling announcements.
  • To talk to your clients directly about the appropriateness of your campaign plans during the period of mourning. Some agency groups have already issued guidance on their intended plans for the next few days.

The IPA Legal Team have also issued a fuller guidance note which includes advice on use of images and more.


Last updated 01 May 2024