2.2 Define the business case

Step 2: Build the foundations

The reality for most leadership teams and boards is that prioritising sustainability will come down to money - so a strong commercial business case is crucial.

Focus on the commercials

If you or your colleagues aren’t already convinced by the scientific and ethical argument for sustainability, then perhaps you never will be. Fortunately, for those that have bought into the scientific and ethical argument for action, the commercial case for sustainability is clear and strong.

The exact details of a business case for sustainability will vary for each agency. Investing time in developing a credible commercial business case for your organisation will give you the foundation to have conversations with board members, shareholders and investors, in order to prioritise sustainability and free up resources to make the investments and changes needed to achieve your sustainability targets.

How to structure the business case

Your business case should cover both the value creation opportunity and the cost savings you can make. The key components to build your business case are outlined below. We would suggest focusing on the strongest three or four components for your agency and putting financial figures to them. These might be cost savings, financial penalty avoidance (including additional taxes) and potential revenue loss/gain.

Supplement the financial figures with other commercial benefits such as how attracting top talent increases the creativity and quality of your outputs as an agency.

The details of your business case will be influenced by the size of your organisation, operational model, client focus and current client base. We encourage you to use templates and processes that already exist within your agency so you can present your business case as any other investment.


You can use proxies or figures from within your organisation to extrapolate and calculate the business case.

Let’s look at three very different examples:

  • Client retention. Identify how many of your clients have strong sustainability targets. You can be reasonably certain that the marketing and procurement teams you’re dealing with will soon have their own sustainability KPIs as targets get pushed to all levels of their If you can’t help your clients to hit their KPIs, then you’ll be at risk of losing their business. Calculate the last three years of revenue for those clients and flag the potential future loss of revenue for the agency.
  • Operational efficiency. Review the energy bills for your organisation. Calculate what a 15% reduction in energy consumption would mean in terms of cost savings for your business. (15% is a reasonable target for organisations to aim for – see step 3 Take action.)
  • Favourable financing terms. If your agency is looking to take on debt financing, then the figures of 5–25 basis points [source: ESG lending momentum is building for the mid market, Grant Thornton] saving on the base rate of interest for sustainability linked loans could be significant. Calculate the interest on the loan size you are looking for and deduct 15% of the interest over the term to reveal the figure you could save by having strong sustainability credentials.

Business case components

Please note: the Opportunity/Risk column indicates whether the component is viewed as a Risk or an Opportunity. The category column shows at what stage in your sustainability journey you’re likely to mitigate the risk or benefit from the opportunity. Note: There’s likely to be some crossover.





Agency Category


Cost Savings and Efficiency

Operational Efficiency: implementing sustainable practices, such as using energy-efficient office equipment and reducing waste, can significantly lower operational costs.



Resource Management: streamlined resource use, such as digital over print, can save costs while reducing the environmental footprint.




Revenue Growth and Market Opportunities

Attracting New Clients: offering sustainability-focused advertising services can attract clients who prioritise environmental responsibility.



Developing New Service Lines: new products and services, such as green marketing campaigns or virtual production expertise.




Risk Management and Resilience

Complying with Regulations: staying ahead of environmental regulations ensures the agency remains compliant, avoiding potential fines and reputational damage.



Crisis Management: sustainable practices contribute to better issues and crisis management by aligning with stakeholder expectations and mitigating reputational risk.




Brand Reputation and Client Loyalty

Enhanced Agency Reputation: a commitment to sustainability enhances the agency's reputation, making it a preferred choice for clients looking to improve their own sustainability image.



Client Retention: advertisers are more likely to remain loyal to an agency that shares their values and commitment to sustainability – and helps the client to achieve their own sustainability goals. This will become increasingly important as procurement teams start to have KPIs related to the sustainability targets in their organisations.




Access to Capital and Investment

Attracting Ethical Investors: many investors are increasingly considering ESG criteria, which can improve access to capital.



Favourable Financing Terms: sustainable practices can lead to better financing options, including lower interest rates and more favourable loan terms.




Colleague Engagement and Retention

Attracting Top Talent: sustainability initiatives can help attract creative and passionate talent who want to work for an agency that aligns with their values.



Increased Employee Loyalty: employees are more likely to stay with an agency that prioritises sustainability, reducing turnover and associated hiring costs.




Innovation and Long- Term Viability

Creative Solutions: sustainability challenges inspire innovative advertising solutions and campaigns that stand out in the market.



Future-Proofing the Agency: by focusing on sustainability, the agency ensures it remains relevant and competitive in a market increasingly driven by environmental concerns.




Competitive Advantage

Industry Leadership: early adoption of sustainability practices positions the agency as a leader in the advertising industry.



Differentiation: sustainable practices help the agency differentiate itself from competitors, appealing to clients seeking environmentally responsible partners.



The crucial issue is the sustainability ‘sell.’ It needs to come before anything else, and to be effective it needs to be grounded in commercial reality rather than ethics alone.

Grace Reith, Sustainability Communications Director, Bray Leino

For an advertising agency, sustainability is a strategic imperative that offers multiple benefits. It enhances operational efficiency, attracts eco-conscious clients, manages risks, boosts the agency's reputation and fosters employee engagement. By embedding sustainability into its core strategy, an advertising agency can achieve long-term growth, innovation and a competitive edge in the marketplace.

Suggested resources

Resources to kick-start your research to build your commercial business case:

Next: 2.3 Make it a priority
Last updated 14 August 2024