Agents of change: 4 Grow the movement

A sustainable business toolkit for advertising agencies

Objective: Inspire and collaborate with others to create momentum. Focus: Learn from your peers, share ideas and work together on challenges.

No one has all the answers in sustainability – it’s a broad and rapidly changing space and there are often a lot of grey areas rather than clear black and white answers. Collaborating, therefore, to understand what others are doing, to share ideas and to work together on challenges is key to finding the best path forward. And we need everyone on the journey, to share their wins and inspire others to take their first steps.

Instead of telling people how bad it’s going to be if we don’t change, let’s tell them how great it’s going to be when we do.

Sian Sutherland, Co-Founder, A Plastic Planet

Step 4: Grow the movement

4.1 Inspiring others

4.1 Inspiring others

Use your storytelling superpower to inspire internal and external stakeholders by promoting the sustainable actions and campaigns you work on.

4.2 Collaborating across the sector and through your value chain

4.2 Collaborating across the sector and through your value chain

A focus on sustainability presents a fantastic opportunity to collaborate with clients and peers, and deepen relationships throughout your value chain.