4.2 Collaborating across the sector and through your value chain

Step 4: Grow the movement

A focus on sustainability presents a fantastic opportunity to collaborate with clients and peers, and deepen relationships throughout your value chain.

Partner with clients

Even clients that are quite advanced in their sustainability journey at a corporate level may not have targets or commitments filtering down to their marketing teams (yet).

By harnessing our creative power and working together, we can be a catalyst for change, helping build a more sustainable society for future generations.

Paul Bainsfair, Director General, IPA

This is where you can step in and start acting as a trusted advisor by looking at their corporate targets and suggesting how you could position your client contact to get ahead of the game, helping them to demonstrate progress on sustainability targets internally before they are asked to do it. Support them to look good, and you will be rewarded with a stronger relationship.

Collaborate with peers

Sustainability can sometimes feel like a long, lonely and difficult road. Progress can be slow, obstacles can be numerous and the sheer scale of the task can feel overwhelming.

Utilise the networks and groups that are out there already to build friendly coalitions and collaborations – and learn from what others have done. Many view the topic as pre-competitive and there are others in the industry that are willing to share their knowledge and experiences.

Below is a list of groups in the industry and beyond that offer peer-to-peer support and collaboration opportunities.

Many meetups (online and offline) and resources provided by these groups are free. Access to some of the events and collaboration opportunities may be restricted to paid membership tiers.


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Last updated 22 August 2024