
1.1 Identify where you are and where you want to be

Agencies that are making progress but haven’t fully embedded sustainability into their business. They’re making steady but insufficient progress.

This is about incremental change. The majority of agencies that have started their journey in sustainability are in this group – making some incremental changes to their business to reduce their negative impact, but not motivated (or able) to really change how business is done. There’s a large spectrum of organisations in this category, from agencies that have started to implement recycling initiatives, through to those making changes to procurement policies, and setting net zero goals.


It’s a good idea to review your ambition level once you have built a deeper understanding of the issues and how they may affect your business going forward. See steps 2.4 Be informed and 2.5 Identify your hotspots.


Passives Pioneers
Last updated 23 August 2024