Legal Update April 2020

A summary provided by the IPA Legal and Public Affairs Team

DCMS survey on COVID-19 impact

The Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport is inviting businesses to take part in a survey into the impact of the coronavirus outbreak on the creative services and other sectors within its remit. The short survey, which closes on Friday 15 May, is intended to help DCMS understand the impact of the coronavirus on the creative services and other sectors within its remit and to better understand the needs of its stakeholders. Take part in the survey

Government Communications Services Frameworks

The process for launching the next Campaign Solutions and Communication Services frameworks for the government was due to start this summer. However, the Crown Commercial Service (CCS) has decided that in view of current exceptional circumstances, they will be extending the current framework agreements for up to 12 months. CCS hope that this will ensure campaign continuity for this vital period whilst they focus on the challenges of Covid 19. The IPA will continue liaising with the CCS and we will update members when we have more news on the new frameworks.

In the meantime, we recommend that agencies not on the frameworks register with Contract Finder to access government and public sector contract opportunities.

Gambling companies stop broadcast ads

The Betting and Gaming Council (BGC), an industry body that represents UK betting shops, online betting and gaming and casinos, have voluntarily agreed to remove all gaming product advertising on TV and Radio in light of the Coronavirus. Our legal alert provides more detail.

CAP/BCAP change the advertising codes to reflect the Equality Act 2010

CAP & BCAP have updated the advertising codes to better reflect the protected characteristics included in the Equality Act 2010. We have set out the changes in our latest legal alert.

Coronavirus - Government’s Bounce-Back loans scheme

The Chancellor has announced further support for small businesses in the form of a Bounce Back Loans scheme. From 4 May, businesses will be able to apply to borrow between £2,000 and £50,000. Our legal alert provides a summary.

Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme (CJRS) - How to make a claim webinar

HMRC has published a webinar on how to make a claim under the CJRS. It takes viewers through 5 stages: I. Essential information; 2. Before you make your claim; 3. Calculating your claim; 4. Making your claim; and 5. After submitting your claim. View a recording of the HMRC webinar.

Coronavirus - Financial support for small businesses – BEIS webinar

A free webinar is being hosted by the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy at 11am on Monday 4 May to explain how small businesses can access the coronavirus business support measures that have been made available to UK businesses. Register to join.

The webinar will cover: 1. Eligibility for small business grants; 2. Applying for a loan; 3. Tax; 4. Claiming for wages through the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme.

Coronavirus - Government to introduce new measures to support commercial tenants

The government has announced measures to protect the UK high street from aggressive rent collection by landlords, but the measures – which are not detailed - may have wider application as our legal alert explains.

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