IPA Marketing Effectiveness Roadmap Survey

Helping organisations improve effectiveness

Driving an effectiveness culture makes an organisation stronger, fitter, and able to deliver results. The 2024 IPA and ISBA Effectiveness Roadmap survey is now open for completion.

Since 2021, the IPA and ISBA have been monitoring the industry’s effectiveness culture, allowing us to produce biennial status report.

We invite all organisations - both agencies and brands - to distribute the link to as many relevant employees as possible so that a broad and deep understanding of effectiveness culture is achieved, and individual organisations can access their own results to benchmark against the wider industry. Aside from contributing to a growing body of learning on effectiveness culture, all organisations who submit five or more responses will get a free detailed, one-pager on their effectiveness culture and there is an option to purchase a bespoke report on your company's marketing effectiveness culture vs the market, please see example.

Findings from the 2024 Effectiveness Roadmap will pinpoint areas for improvement individually and across the industry and set a clear model for future success.

Laurence Green, IPA Director of Effectiveness

Who should complete the survey?

Everyone. It’s important to get a reading across the organisation from strategists and planners, to creatives and client services in agencies; from marketing and communications to finance and legal in client organisations. Please share across the board.

Effectiveness Roadmap survey objectives:

  • To broaden and deepen industry knowledge and understanding of the current levels of ‘effectiveness culture’.
  • To establish an industry baseline against which progress can be measured.
  • To determine current practices around the behaviours, exploring those which are helpful and hindering the creation of an effective culture.
  • To investigate the interdependencies between stakeholders
  • Just 15 minutes to complete.

The survey closes on 07 June – please make sure to complete by then so your response is collected. Your support is much appreciated.

Go to Survey
Last updated 06 March 2025