The World Turned Upside Down

How to navigate your brand through turbulent economic times

Following on from Les Binet's presentation at EffWorks Global 2022, adam&eveDDB have partnered with the IPA to bring you his playbook for brand growth in turbulent times.

With a recession looming on the horizon and consumers facing increasing hardship, it's safe to say the economic outlook is less than positive. From seizing market share from your competitors to driving marketing effectiveness when consumer spending plummets, globally revered econometrician and marketing effectiveness guru Les Binet shares his lessons on how brands can thrive in such a crisis.

Watch Part One: The World Turned Upside Down

The World Turned Upside Down from The IPA on Vimeo.

Watch Part Two: Marketing in the post-Covid economy

Marketing in the post-Covid economy from The IPA on Vimeo.

Download the webinar slides