Personal Membership

Find out more about the benefits on offer and how to join

Become a Personal Member – an Accredited MIPA – and gain endorsement of your commitment to learning and development.

As an Accredited MIPA, you can enhance your professional credentials in the eyes of clients and industry peers by using the title after your name and having your own profile on the IPA website.

How to qualify as an Accredited MIPA

To become an Accredited MIPA you will need to do two things:

1. Accumulate five stars of IPA learning

You can earn stars by completing relevant IPA courses and qualifications, as well as by authoring papers entered for the IPA Effectiveness Awards.

The IPA offers a wide variety of courses and qualifications, spanning its four learning levels of Foundation, Essentials, Advanced and Excellence, which are worth one or more stars. Pass Commercial Essentials or LegRegs Essentials, for example, and you’ll gain one star, Media Research Essentials would earn you two and our Excellence Diploma in Brands is worth all five.

Regarding Effectiveness Awards entries, one star is given to the principal and contributing authors of all papers entered and two stars are awarded to the principal authors of shortlisted papers.

2. Achieve CPD compliance in each of the most recent three consecutive years

IPA Continuous Professional Development (CPD) compliance requires you to record in your free CPD diary at least 24 hours of learning each calendar year. The third of your most recent three consecutive years can be the current year, if you have achieved the required 24-hour learning level.

Any advertising, media or marketing communications practitioner can become an Accredited MIPA. If you’re not employed by an IPA member agency or Accelerator agency, you’ll first need to sign up as an Associate of the IPA for an annual fee of £240 including VAT. As an Associate, you will benefit from discounted rates for IPA courses and qualifications, events and conferences, publications and case studies, as well as access to a personal CPD diary.

How to maintain your Accredited MIPA status

Simply keep up your annual CPD compliance by recording at least 24 hours of learning in your IPA CPD diary.

If you’re not employed by an IPA member agency or Accelerator agency, you will also need to maintain your annual Associate subscription at a cost of £240 including VAT.

There is no charge for Accredited MIPA status if you are in the employment of an IPA member agency or Accelerator agency.

If you do not maintain your annual CPD compliance or your annual Associate subscription, you will lose your Accredited MIPA status and no longer appear on the Accredited MIPA register. However, you could regain your Accredited MIPA status by subsequently completing your CPD diary and/or renewing your Associate subscription, as applicable.

Accredited MIPA is a badge of excellence in our industry. Our comprehensive programme of learning and development offers a path to five stars for everyone, no matter your area of expertise or level of experience.

Louise Hinchliffe, IPA Director of Professional Development
Explore IPA courses and qualifications which are worth one or more stars.


More information is available on our FAQ page.

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020 7235 7020

Last updated 06 March 2025