Don't let inflation throttle your marketing ROI

EffWorks 2022

Join Don't Let Inflation Throttle Your Marketing ROI and learn how others have made a case for retaining their hard-earned budgets. And get a road map for optimising your marketing spend in a truly dicey market from Harry Davison, Marketing Science at Meta, and other experts.

Join Don't Let Inflation Throttle Your Marketing ROI and learn how others have made a case for retaining their hard-earned budgets. And get a road map for optimising your marketing spend in a truly dicey market from Harry Davison, Marketing Science at Meta, and other experts.

The focus is on key questions like:

  • How should marketers define “marketing effectiveness” in today’s environment?
  • How will audience targeting change in light of the changes in the economy?
  • How does your creative marketing strategy change? How do you shift priorities in terms of product messaging?


About Neustar

Neustar, Inc., a TransUnion company, is a leader in identity resolution providing the data and technology that enable trusted connections between companies and people at the moments that matter most. Neustar offers industry-leading solutions in marketing, risk and communications that responsibly connect data on people, devices and locations, continuously corroborated through billions of transactions. Learn how your company can benefit from the power of trusted connections.

If you would like to speak to a member of the Neustar, A TransUnion Company team, please do get in touch.

Last updated 01 May 2024