This online workshop is designed to help you reap the benefits of good Continuous Professional Development, whether you are new to our industry’s CPD scheme or could just do with some ideas and encouragement.
Whether you are new to our industry’s CPD scheme or could just do with some ideas and encouragement, this workshop is designed to help you reap the benefits of good Continuous Professional Development.
Gwyn March has worked in and with agencies for over 33 years. She is lucky enough to be an Honorary Fellow of the IPA and chair the IPA Training Forum. She is the co-author of the IPA’s online modules on evaluating training, running effective appraisals, how to plan a training programme and how to have the best welcomes. To her delight, Gwyn mans the Foundation Certificate helpdesk, worldwide, and runs workshops on demystifying advertising.
Gwyn is an assessor for CPD Gold and tutors the Best Practice and Gold CPD workshops. She is part of the team recasting the entire IPA Careers Portal.
Gwyn helps agencies with advice on their mentor schemes. She tutors the very practical industry Time Management, Managing People and Leadership workshops. She works with the IPA Diversity team on the female confidence-boosting Stepping into the Spotlight events.
Gwyn coordinates the industry trailblazers tasked with producing new Apprentice Standards.
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