IPA Talent and Diversity Conference 2023 (in-person)

Let's talk talent

Join us on 19 April for our half day conference where experts (from both in and outside of our industry) share tried and tested solutions, take part in thought provoking debates and seek insight into how to do things better.

Retention and inclusive cultures are two priorities for every agency if we are to truly represent the audiences we serve and retain the talented practitioners our industry needs to thrive and survive.

At this year's conference, we have a fantastic line-up of leaders and experts to inspire and offer tangible solutions to unique talent and diversity concerns; from how to recruit top talent to how to create authentic campaigns. We want our industry to feel uplifted, invigorated, and shown out of their comfort zone. Leadership accountability is key to making this agenda work and that’s the ultimate aim.

You can also sign up for virtual tickets.


8.30am Breakfast and networking


9.00am Welcome

Leila Siddiqi, Associate Director, Diversity, IPA

9.10am Fireside Chat: Deconstructing systemic barriers for sustainable equity

Sonoo Singh, Co-Founder, Creative Salon, in conversation with

Ugo Monye, sports pundit and former England rugby player


9.30am The journey to mental and physical well being

This session will expand on the presidential agenda in a fireside chat between two mental health advocates seeking to explore how mental health is often underrepresented and misunderstood.  

Josh Krichefski, CEO, EMEA & UK, GroupM and president-elect, IPA 

9.55am The impact of the cost-of-living crisis on socio-economic diversity

Are we still an industry brimming with graduates and privately educated people? How can we widen the mix and encourage those from lower socio-economic and alternative educational backgrounds to join our industry. In 2022, calls to Nabs' Advice Line increased by 35% year on year, with the rising cost-of-living crisis, worries about the geopolitical climate, the job market and increasing stress and conflict at work, all contributing factors. Hear about tangible initiatives agencies and businesses are running to support their talent during this difficult time.

  • Maddie Wollerton Blanks, People Consulting Lead, Grant Thornton UK (moderator)
  • Kenny Dada, Account Director, VCCP
  • Xavier Rees, CEO, Havas London
  • Natalie Trye, Global Lead, BRiM, Meta

10.25am Being an ally isn’t just for Pride
The advertising industry is renowned for having the ability to create behavioural change. How can we use this skill to educate society on the benefits of non-binary thinking?

Isabelle Bale, Strategy Director, M&C Saatchi

10.45am Coffee break

11.15am Stepping into the spotlight with Afua Kyei

Nicola Kemp, Editorial Director, Creativebrief in conversation with

Afua Kyei, CFO, Bank of England

A journey to the top – Afua Kyei tells her fascinating story of how she became one of the first minority ethnic women to rise to one of the top jobs at the Bank of England

11.35am Embracing intentional inclusivity

Authentic portrayal on screen - what are we getting wrong? This session explores how to move on from simply talking about the lack of inclusivity (in all its forms) to actively implementing it in our creative ideas, work and culture.

  • Becky Ferraro, Inclusive Design Lead, Deloitte Digital
  • Patrick Kane, Global Growth Manager, Wunderman Thompson
  • Kim Lawrie, Head of Emerging Technology, House337

12.05pm The metaverse as D&I’s next big opportunity

How and why, we should think about making the Metaverse an inclusive platform. How can we unlock the real value of the metaverse and make it work for D&I, and what practices should agencies and brands bring into their metaverse objectives?

Arthur O’Neill, Partner, Joint Head of Invention WW, Mindshare


12.25pm This House believes that the advertising industry is in danger of losing its mojo to young people

Gen Z pull no punches with their perceptions of adland and calls to action – challenging the industry as the very talent Adland is trying to attract.

A live constructive debate with leading industry executives and young people, curated by Debate Mate, a global social business who work to foster a healthy culture of constructive disagreement, collaboration, and effective problem solving.

Asad Dhunna, CEO, The Unmistakables (moderator)
Emmanuel Areoye, Debate Mate
Jamie Elliott, CEO, The Gate
Sarah Jenkins, Managing Director, Saatchi & Saatchi
Esther Mark, Debate Mate

12.55pm Inclusive leadership in turbulent times

So, you've got your perfect talent mix - how do you retain them in these turbulent times?

Verica Djurdjevic, Chief Revenue Officer, Channel 4

1.10pm Closing remarks

Annie Gallimore, Managing Director, ACNE and Talent Leadership Group Chair

1.15pm Lunch

2.00pm Conference ends

Agenda subject to change

Agenda print version


  • Members rate: £150 + VAT
  • Non-members rate: £300 +VAT

Please contact Chloe Harris at [email protected] should you wish to purchase bulk tickets. Member bulk rate for 5 tickets is £550 + VAT; member bulk rate for 10+ tickets is £990 + VAT.

Contact us

If you have any questions relating to this event please email us at [email protected].

Last updated 01 May 2024