iLister Terms of Participation Terms of Participation

IPA x Bloom Exchange Programme - iLister Terms of Participation Terms of Participation

Last Updated: [April 2023]


Thank you for your interest in participating in this exchange programme (the “Exchange”), which is facilitated jointly by the IPA and Bloom UK.  The Exchange is a two-way mutual mentoring programme. That means you will be mentored by a member of the IPA Council and you will mentor him/her/them in parallel, together tackling the challenges to equity and inclusion in our industy and in your own careers/organisations.  It is unlike most mentoring programmes in that you are in both the role of mentor and mentee.


General Rules


For the Exchange to operate effectively, there needs to be rules with which the participating parties need to comply. Some general rules for iListers participating in the scheme are set out below. Please ensure that you read, understand and if you participate in the Exchange, comply with them.


  • Your participation in the Exchange must not compromise your employment or put you in breach of your employment contracts.
  • You acknowledge that there are a maximum of [NUMBER] places available to iListers and that submission of an application does not guarantee participation in the Exchange. The IPA will contact you if you are successful in participation.
  • Bloom will partner you with an IPA Council Member. Until Bloom / the IPA connects you with the IPA Council Member neither party shall attempt to contact each other directly and all communications must occur through the IPA.
  • You are expected to use your best efforts to participate in the Exchange. In particularly, you acknowledge that the Exchange requires ongoing commitment until February 2025 which will include attending one training session, one midpoint conversation circles, a closing session and meeting with the IPA Council Member a recommended minimum of 5 times during the course of the Exchange.
  • You must treat the relationship with the IPA Council Member strictly confidential. You must not pass on or share any details of the IPA Council Member or your exchanges with anyone, or through any channel, unless given permission to share this information with others or if disclosure is necessary by law.
  • Under no circumstances should you disclose any confidential information about your employer’s business, either during the Exchange or at any time after it has ended. “Confidential information” means any information that would be regarded as confidential by a reasonable business person including, for example, information relating to the business, ideas, affairs, clients, staff, owners, suppliers, plans, or market opportunities of your employer.
  • You acknowledge that the Exchange is not an employment or recruitment opportunity and shall not be used as such.
  • You acknowledge that the purpose of the Exchange is to provide a discussion between the parties in relation to diversity and inclusion, and is not a forum to discuss other issues, including those that are likely to be disciplinary or legal matters. Whilst the sessions may touch on areas such as finance and law, you acknowledge that neither party is acting as a financial, legal, tax or other professional adviser, and neither party shall be liable to the other for following any guidance or recommendations provided. Participation in the Exchange should not be seen as a substitute for seeking financial, legal, tax or other professional advice.
  •  The IPA and Bloom’s role is to facilitate the Exchange, while this involves an initial networking event, followed by one further coaching and conversation circles during the Exchange and a closing session, the intention of the Exchange is for the parties to also meet outside of these events during the course of the Exchange. You and the IPA Council Member will need to make your own arrangements for such meetings.  
  • You will not do anything which the IPA (in its sole discretion) considers is detrimental to the Exchange, the iList, the IPA or any IPA member.
  • You will not be remunerated for participating in the Exchange. The parties join and participate in the Exchange voluntarily and at their own risk. The IPA and Bloom’s role is simply to facilitate meetings between you and iLister and to provide coaching guidance in relation to the Exchange. Neither the IPA nor Bloom give any warranties in relation to the Exchange nor shall they have any liability to you, the iListers or any other parties (including IPA member agencies) in respect of any matter arising out of or in connection with the Exchange.
  • By joining the Exchange, you will be providing personal data to the IPA which the IPA will process in accordance with its legitimate interests, including to administer the Exchange (including to place your personal data onto our website) and to forward your personal data to Bloom and iListers for the purpose of facilitating the Exchange. Details about how your personal data will be processed are set out in the IPA’s Privacy Policy which you confirm you have read and understood by participating in this Exchange.


By participating in the Exchange, you agree that you understand and will comply with these rules above. Failure to comply with any of the rules may result in the IPA suspending or terminating your participation in the Exchange.

Last updated 03 May 2024