Ad Net Zero

Reducing the carbon impact of developing, producing and running advertising to real net zero by 2030

Ad Net Zero is an initiative led by the Advertising Association, that is an industry-wide drive to reduce the carbon impact of developing, producing and running advertising to real net zero by 2030 and commit to make practical changes in the way advertising operations are run.

The five points within the Action Plan each have a working group, all of which have a representative to feed into change.

Action 1: Get Your House in Order – Advertising Business Operations

All agencies and marketing services companies are encouraged to join Ad Net Zero and commit to curtail their operational carbon emissions to achieve net zero by end-2030. To do this, they will measure carbon footprint data, reduce emissions as far as possible (with a focus on minimising air travel and switching to renewable energy), and offset what cannot be reduced through carbon removal schemes. They will also share Ad Net Zero’s aims through their organisations by encouraging employees to understand and take ownership of their own personal carbon impact, and to adopt sustainable behaviours.

Some agencies have found that in order to achieve Action 1, they have needed a consultant. Below is a list of schemes IPA member agencies have used previously. The IPA are using Green Element to help get our house in order.

 Action 2: Curb Emissions from Advertising Production

All agencies and production companies – with client support – will be encouraged to commit to zero waste/zero carbon production. AdGreen, an advertising production sustainability initiative, will provide information and tools to support the industry in this transition. Ad Net Zero will work with AdGreen to promote widespread use of these resources by 2023.

Action 3: Curb Emissions from Media Planning & Buying

All media agencies will be encouraged to adopt the IPA Media Climate Charter, enabling media planning and buying choices to be made with their carbon emissions impact front-of-mind. The Charter is designed to provide the tools and resources to support the transition to a zero-carbon future. We will work towards this becoming an accepted element in media planning for all advertisers as part of the Ad Net Zero plan.

As part of Ad Net Zero, the IPA leads on the IPA Media Climate Charter and has produced a qualification for the industry.

Action 4: Curb Advertising Emissions Through Awards and From Events

Ad Net Zero will challenge industry awards bodies to ensure that the sustainability credentials and climate impact of campaigns inform judging. It will also encourage organisers of events and conferences to put sustainability at the forefront of planning, seeking in particular to curtail long-distance travel, where possible.

We have partnered with isla – an independent, non-profit organisation dedicated to supporting the events industry’s transition to a sustainable future. All Ad Net Zero members are entitled to a discounted membership of isla. Please contact [email protected] for more information.

Action 5: Harness Advertising’s Power To Support Consumer Behaviour Change

Ad Net Zero will ask the UK ad industry, through its engagement with this plan, to put Climate Action at the heart of its work to help change consumer behaviour. Initiatives like #ChangetheBrief should be adopted to provide advertisers with more sustainable solutions to their campaign briefs. At the same time, Ad Net Zero extends its offer to the Government to provide meaningful support through advertising to encourage consumer behaviour change in the run-up to COP27 in November 2022 and beyond.

Find out more about Ad Net Zero
Last updated 30 July 2024