Industry Sustainability Resources

A practical resource centre to help agencies navigate the Environmental, Social and Governance landscape

Here we have compiled resources to help you progress in your sustainability journey, to learn more about the climate crisis, ESG standards and how to move from commitment to action to reach real net zero.



#ChangeTheBrief Alliance is a not-for-profit partnership between agencies of every size and type and their clients, learning and acting together to directly address the challenge of the climate crisis by promoting sustainability via every channel available to them.



There are some credentials that an organisation can obtain to prove their carbon reduction efforts such as effective environmental management, working carbon neutral or providing healthy, highly efficient and cost-effective green buildings.

Ad Net Zero

Ad Net Zero

Ad Net Zero is an initiative led by the Advertising Association, that is an industry-wide drive to reduce the carbon impact of developing, producing and running advertising to real net zero by 2030 and commit to make practical changes how advertising operations are run.

Ad Net Zero Essentials Certificate

Ad Net Zero Essentials Certificate

The Ad Net Zero Essentials Certificate was developed and launched by the IPA to help people working in the advertising and marketing services industries understand the climate crisis and the actions to achieve net zero emissions by 2030.

Agents of change

Agents of change

A sustainable business toolkit for creative and media agencies, offering practical advice from industry specialists for action.

Why building a sustainability strategy is critical to future success

Why building a sustainability strategy is critical to future success

How creative and media agencies are approaching environmental stewardship.

Unlocking commercial growth through sustainable innovation

Unlocking commercial growth through sustainable innovation

How to re-define success in a world where sustainability goes hand-in-hand with profitability.

B Corp Certification

B Corp Certification

Certified B Corporations, or B Corps, are companies verified by B Lab to meet high standards of social and environmental performance, transparency and accountability.



Caroline Davison, Managing Partner and Sustainability Lead, Elvis and Ben Essen, Global CSO, Iris, ask whether there is a ‘missing measure’ in our examination of advertising effectiveness.

Ellen MacArthur Foundation

Ellen MacArthur Foundation

Research Centres and Foundations share learnings and education around environmental sustainability by industry sub-sectors. The Foundation has a mission to accelerate the transition to a circular economy.

How Planet, People and Profit Co-exist

How Planet, People and Profit Co-exist

Fresh from the Creative Impact stage at Cannes, M&C Saatchi LIFE Co-Founder Tom Firth presents how planet, people and profit co-exist: managing the ‘triple P’ dashboard.

IPA Media Climate Charter

IPA Media Climate Charter

Launched in June 2021, the IPA Media Climate Charter provides media agencies with the tools and resources (including the Media Carbon Calculator) to support the transition to a zero-carbon future.

IPA Sustainability Survey 2022

IPA Sustainability Survey 2022

The core objective of the survey is to create benchmark data to help agencies navigate the topic of sustainability and the role that the IPA can play in guiding them through the process.

Purpose Disruptors

Purpose Disruptors

Purpose Disruptors' mission is to catalyse the advertising industry’s climate transition to align with the IPCC’s 1.5 degree global warming target. The IPA has a relationship with the Purpose Disruptors, who have participated in IPA events at Advertising Week Europe.

Legal Notes

Sustainability in Advertising

Sustainability in Advertising

Truthful claims can still be greenwash. An update on the ASA’s latest rulings on environmental claims in ads.

Carbon Neutral, Net Zero and Offsetting

Carbon Neutral, Net Zero and Offsetting

Essential reading for those making carbon neutral, net zero or low carbon claims in advertising.

Greenwashing - CMA Issues Green Claims Code

Greenwashing - CMA Issues Green Claims Code

The CMA calls time on misleading environmental claims.

Thought Leadership Reports

Gaining the competitive edge

Gaining the competitive edge

Launched at the Business Growth Conference in 2021, this free-to-download report helps agencies to navigate the ESG space by identifying the role of ESG in marcoms decision making.

Framing Sustainability

Framing Sustainability

The main premise of this report is to understand the formation of opinions around climate and to suggest actionable advice on how to frame sustainability messages to best fit an audience's views.