Making effectiveness work

Adopting formalised Learning Agendas and an active learning approach

This report helps steer marketers through the effectiveness thicket, giving practical advice on when and how to use the core measurement techniques of marketing mix modelling, experiments and attribution. It emphasises the importance of an active learning culture and provides tips to stimulate its growth.

There is no silver bullet to measure advertising effectiveness. Each of the main approaches, marketing mix modelling (MMM), experiments, and attribution, has its role and limitations. The challenge is that different measurement approaches can result in knowledge fragmentation and silos. The report recommends a culture-first approach to measurement strategy to heal this divide by adopting formalised Learning Agendas and an active learning approach.

If you are a marketer looking to design your measurement strategy, this report provides practical guidance on how to set up your measurement programme to maximise learning and minimise silos. It helps you balance learning what works with discovering new approaches.

If you are an agency planner, the report provides a detailed overview of the core techniques. It introduces a disciplined measurement process, MESI (Model, Experiment, Simulate, Implement), that can be used to drive learning for tactical, campaign and strategic decisions.

If you are a measurement practitioner, we provide a stimulus for better briefs and a drive toward continuous innovation.

Making Effectiveness Work is a standalone publication, but it sits alongside the IPA’s broader initiative to foster an Effectiveness Culture with agencies.