Why it pays to advertise

The case for advertising budget

There is ample evidence that companies that increase their marketing budgets during tough markets create a competitive advantage that helps them report higher average profit and better market share growth when the economy recovers. And economies do always recover.

We have compiled a resource centre with robust evidence of the power of advertising in times of economic unrest. 

How to navigate your brand through turbulent economic times

How to navigate your brand through turbulent economic times

Globally revered econometrician and marketing effectiveness guru Les Binet shares his lessons on how brands can not only survive but thrive in a crisis.

Advertising in a downturn revisited

Advertising in a downturn revisited

Peter Field breaks down his research with the LinkedIn B2B Institute into what lessons from previous recessions still resonate today and explore how brands should act during a crisis.

Free reports into the most effective advertising strategies

Free reports into the most effective advertising strategies

For decades, we have sought out the best evidence to identify the most effective brand advertising, regardless of fads or fashion. Our reports analyse hundreds of winning cases to understand what distinguishes the very best.

How to capture an extra share of the recovery

How to capture an extra share of the recovery

When markets rebound, faster growth is on the table for brands with extra share of voice. Investing in a greater share of media spend in this category has proven to be the foremost way to increase a brand’s market share.

Making the case for investment in advertising

Making the case for investment in advertising

Evidence from 1482 case studies in the IPA Effectiveness Awards Database proves that investing in advertising can help you get ahead of your competitors.

A short-term reaction is never as effective as long-term investment

A short-term reaction is never as effective as long-term investment

We have evidence that increasing marketing spend in recession helps to grow profits faster in recovery.

Why advertisers need to keep spending in a recession

Why advertisers need to keep spending in a recession

(Behind paywall) Brands that cut their marketing budgets during a recession leave themselves at a long-term disadvantage, according to research by Analytic Partners.

“Going dark” leads to double-digit value share declines for CPG brands

“Going dark” leads to double-digit value share declines for CPG brands

(Behind paywall) Consumer packaged goods brands that stop mass-reach advertising, usually witness a double-digital contraction in value market share after one year.

IPA Effectiveness Awards case studies

Please see below IPA Effectiveness Awards case studies showing the value of public service advertising.

The power of us involving everyone in Census 2021

The power of us involving everyone in Census 2021

In the midst of a lockdown, 97% of households in England and Wales completed the 2021 census.

We are the NHS

We are the NHS

Research showed NHS staff satisfaction and applications rose after media activity. Communications drove 10,000-14,000 extra applicants and reduced cost per applicant.

This girl can

This girl can

Sport England’s objective was to reduce the gender gap. Based on incremental sports and health benefits generated, the estimated ROMI was £35 for every £1 invested.



Stoptober grew in impact with 65,000 more quitters in year four than year one and a total 1.5m quit attempts driven by the communications. ROMI was estimated at £2.85 for every £1 invested.

Start your adoption story

Start your adoption story

By using the estimated saving to the public purse from children being adopted and therefore kept out of the care system, it is calculated that the activity generated a return of £10 for every £1 invested.

Fire safety

Fire safety

Over the period of this campaign, deaths from fires in dwellings fell by 41 fatalities to 211, delivering a ROMI of £7.12 for every £1 invested.

Public Health England - Be clear on cancer

Public Health England - Be clear on cancer

Since the campaign, there has been a 62% increase in patients aged over 50 visiting their GP about the symptoms highlighted.

Department for Transport: Drink drive

Department for Transport: Drink drive

This paper reveals how communications changed drink driving behaviour over the course of thirty years from 1979 to 2009 by tackling drink driving attitudes.

Department of Health: Stroke awareness

Department of Health: Stroke awareness

The campaign successfully changed behaviour fast: within a year, an estimated 9,864 more people got to hospital faster. It achieved a payback of £3.20 for every £1 spent.

HM Revenue & Customs: Self Assessment

HM Revenue & Customs: Self Assessment

With 93% of paper filers meeting the new October deadline, and a record 69% of tax returns received online, HMRC gained the desired efficiencies, and generated a ROMI of £2:1.

Home Office: Cutting the cost of crime

Home Office: Cutting the cost of crime

The campaign reduced the cost of crime to the taxpayer by £189 million and generated payback of £14 for every £1 spent.

A new world standard in government media evaluation

A new world standard in government media evaluation

How a database of effectiveness benchmarks led to better government paid-for media campaigns.

Made in the Royal Navy

Made in the Royal Navy

The Royal Navy's campaign successfully increased recruitment by building emotional connections and reducing barriers to application.

British Army recruitment

British Army recruitment

Helping a new generation find where they belong in the British Army. As a result of the campaign regular soldier applicants rose by 38 per cent.

Olympic Delivery Authority / Transport for London

Olympic Delivery Authority / Transport for London

A ‘Travel Demand Management’ programme was devised for London 2012, to encourage London to ‘Get ahead of the Games’ by changing its travel behaviours.

Digital UK: Leaving no-one behind

Digital UK: Leaving no-one behind

Digital UK and the BBC Switchover Help Scheme overcame the challenge of the digital switchover by focusing on older, disabled and minority audiences.

Department of Environment, NI - Anti drink-driving

Department of Environment, NI - Anti drink-driving

This paper demonstrates how the anti-drink-driving campaign contributed to 97% awareness, with 75% being 'very influenced' by it.

NI Road Safety

NI Road Safety

The longer term effects of road safety advertising. How a nine-year investment of £8.68m in road safety advertising made a leading contribution to a £704m economic payback.