Home workers more focused and less bored than office workers

A new IPA TouchPoints report highlights the profile, behaviours and media consumption of home workers.

A new IPA report, based on pre-COVID-19 2019 TouchPoints data, has found that people that regularly work from home are more focused during their working hours and spend less time feeling bored than their office-based counterparts.

The report, which provides insights into the profile, behaviours and media consumption of home workers* comes as the majority of UK workers are adapting to life working from home due to the Coronavirus outbreak.

According to the data, regular home workers feel focused 12% longer and spend 47% less time feeling bored each weekday than workplace workers. In total, regular home workers spend 2 hours 46 minutes feeling focused and 32 minutes a day feeling bored, compared with 2 hours 28 minutes and 47 minutes a day for workplace workers.

Additional findings:

  • Only one in ten full-time workers regularly work from home, while 63% of regular home workers are men
  • There’s no clear relationship between working from home and having children (62% of regular home workers have no children compared with 68% of workplace workers)
  • Both regular home workers and workplace workers average approximately 6 hours 30 minutes working each weekday
  • Workplace workers spend 20 minutes more doing nothing than regular home workers (1 hour 37 minutes vs 1 hour 17 minutes)
  • Regular home workers feel frustrated 17% less than their office-based colleagues (34 minutes a day compared with 29 minutes a day)
  • 55% of business founders work from home at least three days a week, while 20% work in an office regularly.

Says Gabriela Cropper, Research and Marketing Executive, IPA: "With the country currently in lockdown, and only those key workers currently commuting into their workplace it has never been more important for us to understand what working from home means.

It was interesting to see from this pre-COVID-19 data that regular home workers seem to manage their time more productively, with less moments of 'doing nothing' and lower levels of boredom.

"Concerns around work and home boundaries and the wellbeing implication of this are, however, certainly worth considering. While homeworking allows more flexibility around household and childcare activities, it can lead to a blurring of work and home boundaries."

Join us for a TouchPoints webinar on 5 May, 3-4pm when Gabriela will take us through the data.

Download the free report

* The report defines regular home workers as those who work remotely three or more days a week, occasional home workers as those who work remotely one or two days a week and workplace workers as who work remotely fewer than once per week.

Last updated 01 May 2024