Global Online Examination Re-sit & Deferral

Where candidates based outside of the UK can pay for an online examination re-sit or deferral.

Global Online Examination Re-sit & Deferral

Please do not proceed with payment until you have confirmed approval of your examination deferral or re-sit with your IPA Support Contact. If you have not had your deferral or re-sit approved by the IPA, or are unsure of your new exam date, please contact [email protected].

VAT Details

If your company is a VAT registered business within the European Union, the reverse charge principle can be applied under Article 44 EC Directive 2006/112. Please confirm your company’s VAT number to [email protected] at the time of your booking. If for whatever reason you do not want us to use the reverse charge principle, please contact [email protected]. If your company is VAT registered, VAT will not be charged on this sale but your company will then be responsible for any VAT or local taxes due within the country your company is registered.

Non-EU companies/individuals are not liable to pay VAT and will not be charged.

Last updated 29 May 2024