As part of our new Mentoring services, we are asking volunteers to be one-off mentors to ambitious people in our industry: IPA 60 Minute Career Mentoring.
You will be encouraged by mentoring’s potential – whether the IPA 60 Minute Career Mentoring scheme or others – and the free resources in the new mentoring/coaching hub.
You will discuss the best ways to run a mentor session, and practice a mentoring model.
You will learn vital skills, such as active listening, setting realistic objectives, growth mindset and asking the right questions.
You will gain concentration skills and a plan for how to use the learning to get the best from people when you have little time.
3.5 hours on Zoom, (9.30 am- 1 pm). There will be a very short break mid-way.
Gwyn March has worked in and with agencies for 35 years. She is lucky enough to be an Honorary Fellow of the IPA and chair the IPA Training Forum. She is the co-author of the IPA’s online modules on evaluating training, running effective appraisals, how to plan a training programme and getting the best welcomes. To her delight Gwyn mans the Foundation Certificate helpdesk, worldwide. She has won various awards for the efficacy of her training. She is an assessor for CPD Gold and tutors the Best Practice and Gold CPD workshops. She has been involved with training mentors for the IPA for over a decade, and is one of the team behind the new mentor/coaching hub and matching services. Gwyn also advises many agencies on their internal mentor programmes.