As a New Business and Marketing professional, you build the reputation and profile of your organisation, you promote and represent it and you are at the heart of its growth. The purpose of the New Business and Marketing Group is to support you by defining and fostering best practice to deliver growth for your agencies and clients. We also help with new talent acquisition and promote the value of it as a career.
The IPA New Business Network is a space where all New Business and Marketing professionals can work and learn together, sharing insight and research along with the IPA's New Business and Marketing Group.
A space where any and all new business and marketing professionals can work and learn together, sharing insight and research along with the IPA's New Business and Marketing Group.
Best practice tips for agencies on planning and performing the perfect pitch, including prospecting, completing an RFI and choosing the right pitch team.
A podcast series brought to you by the IPA New Business and Marketing Group. Listen to the group speak to some of the biggest names in our industry on the new business hot topics.
Helping both clients and agencies enhance the existing pitch process by focusing on behaviours to improve mental health, cause less wastage and reduce costs.
The ultimate best-practice guide from ISBA and the IPA to agency search and selection that delivers win-win on both sides.
If you are interested in knowing more about our New Business and Marketing Group please contact
CMO, St Luke's
Chief Growth Officer, Total Media
Managing Partner, Head of Growth, OMD UK
Senior Vice President Client Growth, Rapp
Group Head of New Business & Marketing, VCCP
Group Managing Director, Cogent
New Business Director & Partner, BBH London
Chief Marketing Officer, The Beyond Collective
Chief Business Development Officer, Publicis Media
Head of Business Development, Anomaly
Chief Growth Officer, Ogilvy UK