Raj Kumar

Raj Kumar
Raj Kumar

Group brand and reputation director, Aviva Plc

Raj is the group brand and reputation director at Aviva Plc, the leading UK insurer. Previous to Aviva, he held leadership roles in Europe and Asia with companies like Siemens, Experian and Nokia. Raj believes in driving performance that is underpinned by building a positive, honest and inclusive culture that embraces change.

Raj serves as a NED on two boards, the Princes’ Teaching Institute and Swim England. The PTI is one of the Prince of Wales’ charities, helping teachers rediscover the love of their subject, “inspriring teachers and changing lives.” Swim England is the national governing body for swimming in England, whose vision is “Creating a happier, healthier and more successful nation through swimming”

Raj was named as Marketing Weeks top 100 most effective marketers, Financial Service Marketer of the year 2020, is a Fellow of the Marketing Society and a frequent speaker in Marketing and Leadership programmes.