Dublin National Safety Council and Department of Transport: Metrication of speed limits
Dublin National Safety Council and Department of Transport: Metrication of speed limits
Dublin National Safety Council and Department of Transport: Metrication of speed limits
Prior to the introduction of Metrication of speed limits, national route distance signs were displayed in kilometres, while speed limits were displayed in miles per hour. Metrication was to have profound implications for the 2,173,986 licensed drivers and riders, with the potential for an increase in road deaths and serious injuries through driver confusion. A £2.5 million mass public awareness campaign resulted in a 200% and 263% increase in awareness of new speed limits on roads in built up areas and country roads respectively. The potential for surging road deaths due to driver confusion over speed limits has been negated at a cost of £1.61 per driver influenced, as opposed to a potential cost of £2,018,126 per potential road death