easyJet: Lord Leverhulme's Dilemma - how easyJet got the other half to work
easyJet: Lord Leverhulme's Dilemma - how easyJet got the other half to work
easyJet: Lord Leverhulme's Dilemma - how easyJet got the other half to work
The online sales operation of the budget airline Easyjet, was launched in 1998. The objective was to build 30% of all sales by the end of 1999. The media budget was £100,000, the campaign lasted 6 weeks. Nineteen sites were selected: general content sites (e.g. Yahoo), destination-related sites and travel-related sites. By the end of the campaign clickthroughs were more than double the average. Online sales proved to be 252% better margin than offline sales