Kenco: Coffee Vs Gangs: How a strong brand purpose changed lives in Honduras and changed fortunes for Kenco
Kenco: Coffee Vs Gangs: How a strong brand purpose changed lives in Honduras and changed fortunes for Kenco
Kenco: Coffee Vs Gangs: How a strong brand purpose changed lives in Honduras and changed fortunes for Kenco
This paper adds to this evidence on the use of brand purpose to start to deliver not only social good, but also a substantial commercial return. An ethical stance has been a part of Kenco's DNA, but as competitors followed, its ethical position was eroded, and Kenco's sales suffered. 'Coffee Vs Gangs' marks the beginning of the revitalisation of Kenco's brand purpose and defense of its profitable, premium-priced position in the market. With a revenue ROI for TV over three times the FMCG average, the Coffee Vs Gangs campaign demonstrates the strength of a purposeful brand idea, not only to start to deliver a social benefit, but also to deliver a strong return on investment. It also proves the value of social media in purpose-led campaigns, both in driving engagement and delivering a substantial and measurable sales effect.