SPC Packaged Fruits and Vegetables: SPC #MyFamilyCan: How a humble can started a nationwide debate
SPC Packaged Fruits and Vegetables: SPC #MyFamilyCan: How a humble can started a nationwide debate
SPC Packaged Fruits and Vegetables: SPC #MyFamilyCan: How a humble can started a nationwide debate
Following a Hepatitis outbreak caused by contaminated imports, SPC, the Australian fruit and vegetable producer, went to great lengths to show the provenance of its food. The company dedicated its most valuable 'advertising real estate' - its product packaging - to talking about Australian farming families, converting four million cans of SPC's biggest brands into an educational media space in supermarketz. The cans ignited a national conversation about labelling. Due to the overwhelming response, a re-run was ordered within two days, and sales rose by 17 per cent in a month more than twice the target. The initiative sparked a much bigger reaction than anticipated with 1.2m social interactions and the Australian government later introduced labelling legislation for all domestic food products.