The IPA TouchPoints Champions group met to run through the latest TouchPoints news and developments and to hear about Making Sense: The Commercial Media Landscape (5th Edition).
TouchPoints Champions - March 2023 from The IPA on Vimeo.
Link to all of the presentations
The session began with Simon detailing the events and diary dates we have for this year, before Lisa Jones (IPA Head of New Business) joined the group to talk about the benefits available to IPA members and also the IPA Associate Member scheme for individuals who work at organisations which are not eligible for full IPA membership. Contact for more information.
Graeme ran through the new developments in TouchPoints 2023 which launches on 21 June, and Rebecca gave an update on TouchPoints client service and the upcoming Making Sense 5 roadshow.
Finally, Simon ran through the presentation from the launch of Making Sense: The Commercial Media Landscape (Fifth Edition) for those who couldn’t see it on 14 March.
For further information, please contact