For decades, we have sought out the best evidence to identify the most effective brand advertising, regardless of fads or fashion. Our reports analyse hundreds of winning cases to understand what distinguishes the very best. We have done this, so you don't have to.
How marketing that improves so-called ‘soft’ brand metrics such as fame or differentiation can translate into sustained growth in ‘hard’ business metrics of revenue and profit.
Case studies reveal that it is more effective for marketers to get to the top of their categories, rather than undercutting each other on price in a race to the bottom.
Best outcomes in terms of positive business growth measures come from investing in a balance of activation and brand building.
Evidence from the IPA Effectiveness Databank demonstrates that successful brand building advertising can strengthen a brand’s pricing power and profits.
Increasing marketing spend in recession helps to grow profits faster in recovery.
Advertising effectiveness comes from striking a balance of different types of communications, messages, and channels, and assessing this mix over time.
Evidence from 1482 case studies in the IPA Effectiveness Awards Database that investing in advertising can help you get ahead of your competitors.
Brands which continue to invest in advertising during a recession re-emerge faster, fitter and stronger.
We've more and more evidence that successful customer journeys are shaped offline.
As the 2021 economic outlook improves, brands investing in advertising can reap benefits.
Advertising could help markets and businesses recover faster in the COVID economy.
The enthusiasm, commitment and passion of the boardroom are crucial when it comes to driving marketing effectiveness.
Evidence that a brand’s share of organic internet searches in its category provides an early indicator of future movements in its market share.
Catch up with all the compelling conference presentations and videos offering new effectiveness R&D.
Brands that continue to advertise during a recession come through healthier and stronger.
Brands that want to take advantage of a recovery need to re-start investing before the upturn arrives.
Empathising with audiences and making creative choices to strike the right emotional notes.
Evidence collated by the IPA and its partners unveils how advertising in recession can help firms recover.
In periods of uncertainty, consumers look for trust, familiarity and reassurance.
Advertising that builds emotionally compelling brand stories is a long-term way to expand share.
Key evidence of how brand advertising works to drive long-term business growth.
By linking brand building to commercial goals, companies can generate greater returns from brand investments.