Kaliber: Hello Hello - The story of a unique poster event
Kaliber: Hello Hello - The story of a unique poster event
Kaliber: Hello Hello - The story of a unique poster event
'Hello Girls' poster campaign. Paper looks at the development of the no alcohol lager market in the 1980's. Kaliber share had suffered but after an aggressive campaign in 1989-90 by Guinness had managed to fight back and regain share by 1993. However the category itself was in decline, sale and share fell in 1994 and marketing was cut. Kaliber offered two poster sites opposite Hammersmith Odeon where Billy Connolly was appearing for 2 weeks. Playtex 'Wonderbra' was copied with permission. Poster attracted so much interest decided to roll out this 'twinning' in major conurbations. Sales and share turn-down was halted and then reversed