McVitie's Jaffa Cakes: Why McVitie's 'Jaffa Cakes' are so much more than 'orange sponge'

McVitie's Jaffa Cakes: Why McVitie's 'Jaffa Cakes' are so much more than 'orange sponge'

While the benefits of long-term brand building are acknowledged, marketers typically use short-term measures to justify their advertising budgets. It is a challenge to be able to explicitly measure both - the generation of short-term sales performance and the creation of long term value. This case study for McVitie's Jaffa Cakes brings the two together. In the short term, it demonstrates how advertising increased base sales by 59%, successfully kept own label at bay and was profitable. In the long term, it demonstrates how advertising delivered a sustainable price premium, which helped create at least £60m of financial brand value