IPA Sustainability Survey 2022

Preparedness and maturity of IPA member agencies

Sustainability is a topic that many IPA member agencies have at the forefront of their day-to-day operations to varying degree. The core objective of the survey, undertaken in conjunction with the University for Creative Arts, was to create benchmark data to help agencies navigate the topic of sustainability and the role that the IPA can play in guiding them through the process.

Key findings

  • Most agencies think of sustainability in terms of the environment but there are other issues.
  • Many agencies are getting the basics right but there is room for improvement.
  • Over 90% of respondents indicated that their agency has documented environmental and societal policies.
  • Over three-fifths of respondents indicated that their agency report on their progress towards their sustainability goals.
  • Only 3% of agencies indicated that they have Bcorp status, although a further 50% are intending to gain this.
  • Two-thirds of agencies make use of carbon offsetting or carbon credits. However, Net Zero may be constrained by dependence on these.
  • There are still perceived to be considerable barriers to progress on sustainability.
Download the survey results