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Congratulations to the companies that have successfully demonstrated their commitment to their people’s mental health and wellbeing.
Be inspired by interviews, conferences and discussions with the some of the best advertising practitioners
Results 40
The Opening Gala of The Festival of British Advertising featured keynote speakers: Lord Puttnam, Ronan Harris (Google UK), David Abraham (Channel 4) and Tom Knox.
10 March 2017
This IPA TouchPoints webinar shines light on the pre-existing flexible working practices, reflecting on the future long-term implications for remote working.
5 May 2020
Kantar present the latest viewing trends from across the world.
13 May 2020
How using a more qualitative, exploratory approach to social data, the British Red Cross was able to learn how to talk about loneliness.
21 May 2020
Belinda Beeftink, Research Director, IPA and Ben Page, CEO, IPSOS deliver an exclusive webinar on the shifts that have taken place within the UK, and on a global scale.
12 June 2020
Nigel Gwilliam takes a light-hearted look at what South By got right… and got wrong.
Now that sport is starting to return to our screens how have things have changed for fans?
6 July 2020
Nigel Gwilliam takes another light-hearted look at what South By got right… and got wrong in Part Two of his SXSW Retrospective.
16 July 2020
Marsha Lindsay, CEO and Chief Analyst of Lindsay Foresight & Stratagem outlines how to future-proof your organization, brand and career.
22 July 2020