How to use AI to gain a competitive advantage

Tilt the balance sheet in your favour with the IPA Business Growth Conference

Artificial intelligence is an area of constant innovation, rapid change and experimentation. There is no doubt it will have a huge impact on our businesses.

At the IPA Business Growth Conference on Wednesday 3 July, we’ll hear from four different perspectives on how they are embracing AI and using it to deliver value and growth for themselves, and their clients.

Geoff de Burca, Chief Strategy Officer at EssenceMediacom UK will kick off our AI deep dive with a look at how it can lead to greater productivity, followed by a case study from AI creative agency faith's Liberty Covill and Iva Johan. Spark Foundry’s Marcos Angelides will then examine how AI will change the world of commerce and what this means for brands, before WPP Chief AI Officer Daniel Hulme will speak about how to optimise your projects, people and timelines to get the most out of your talent.

Other sessions include:

  • Leading political and economic journalist Faisal Islam on the state of the global economy and where growth may come from under a new government.
  • Practical guidelines for agencies on why building a sustainability strategy is critical to future success, as well as a panel discussion on an agency’s role in sustainability.
  • Five steps to agency transformation and what agencies can start to do immediately to change their business model and reap the rewards.
  • IPA President Josh Krichefski will discuss new research into what attracts young people to work on a clients business and how adland can retain motivated and engaged talent.

In-person tickets are available from £175 +VAT, with virtual tickets available from £99 +VAT. Discounts are available for bulk bookings of five or more tickets – please contact Anya Kamineni for more details.

View the full agenda and secure your space
Last updated 20 June 2024