How to advertise our industry to young talent

Busting myths to help you recruit the next generation of advertising superstars

Bringing in outstanding young talent is vital for the future of the industry, but how do we stand out among a sea of career options? IPA CPD Adviser Gwyn March is here to bust some common myths about adland to help you recruit the next generation of advertising superstars.

I have spent 37 years in the advertising and media industry, a very satisfying (and lucrative!) career, never wanting to be anywhere else. But occasionally the parents of Gen Zers (those born between 1997 and 2012) question whether the golden age has passed and doubt that this is still a great choice for their children.

Many hold these five myths to be true, so please read on for the reality!

Myth: Not a profession or even professional 

Reality: More professional than many professions 

IPA members (who represent the vast majority of the advertising spend) have to stick to a rigorous Continuous Professional Development Standard (CPD) which is highly policed and enforced, unlike some other professions. It includes a minimum of 24 hours learning for all staff per annum, and in fact, the average achievement is much higher. This is one reason the IPA was awarded a Royal Charter for its professionalism.

The 13 industry qualifications are world leading – we are present in 86 countries. America, Australia, Europe, the Middle East, Asia all use them. We have a suite of essentials qualifications free to all UK members.

Myth: AI will replace all the jobs

Reality: AI will enhance our craft

Government have acknowledged the importance of the creative industries and expect us to grow in number of people and contribution to the economy.

A 2024 global study found that consumers prefer human generated content. But they also expect creative people and industries to use AI as a tool. A recent C4 anonymised competition between AI and human generated adverts was won by humans, and this has been replicated in research where "the best human ideas still matched or exceed those of the chatbots".

Agencies are already training their people to use AI tools, for example as a way of explaining ideas to marketeers. Recent IPA Business Growth Conferences have been quite truthful – agencies that can unlock the potential of AI will have more opportunities than those who cannot. Hence why there is so much training about AI going on in agencies!

Moreover, there are many in-demand skills that AI cannot perform. For example ‘a recent LinkedIn survey found that 9 out of 10 global executives agree that soft skills (aka “human” or “durable” skills) are more important than ever. So, it’s not surprising that communication ranks No. 1 on the 2024 list of overall most in-demand skills.’

Finally many of the roles needed in an agency are not ‘creative’ and require skills such as emotional intelligence which an AI cannot match – Client Service, Strategy, Media Planning, Finance, Production…

Myth: Only rich white southern people with degrees from top universities need to apply

Reality: We crave diversity because it leads to better ideas and better business results

We know from years of management consultant McKinsey research that diversity, inclusion and equity are good for business results.

So for decades we’ve been actively trying to change the make-up of our industry. The latest Advertising Association very robust All In Census and the IPA’s Census revealed that we are getting way better but still have a way to go. For example the proportion of non-white employees has nearly doubled to 23.3% from 2016, the number of women on the executive boards of creative agencies stands at over 40%...

So please, if you are from an underrepresented group please look at our Career’s Hub and join us! Apprenticeships are one way and open to anyone aged 18 plus, no degree needed and we pay a proper wage. We have several which are very popular – Advertising and Media Executive, Content Creator, Junior Advertising Creative, Data Technician, Multi-Channel Marketer.

Myth: We don’t care about the planet

Reality: We champion sustainability

71% of our industry are concerned about the negative impacts we have on the climate. And an Ipsos survey recently found that climate anxiety is far higher for those working in the ad industry than the general public, which has led to action: major agency networks (such as WPP) are publicly committed to be net zero by 2030. .Again we take a global lead here, with three initiatives in particular:

  • The AdNetZero Qualification helps people working in the advertising and marketing services industries understand the climate crisis and the actions to achieve net zero emissions from the development, production and media placement of advertising.
  • The IPA Media Climate Charter provides media agencies with the tools and resources to support their transition to a zero-carbon future.
  • AdGreen helps agencies reduce carbon emissions from their production via a calculator, training and resources.

Myth: We don’t care about people’s wellbeing

Reality: We put ‘People First’ – happy people are more productive

Our current IPA President, Josh Krichefski, summed up his People First agenda thus: "We don’t have factories, trucks, manufactured goods. Our people are everything. It’s their brilliance and imagination which is what makes us who and what we are. And that’s why we have to look after them. Let’s take the steps needed to create the most inclusive workplaces imaginable. And let’s support a resilient, thriving and mentally healthy workforce and empower them to write the future of advertising."

It is not just a moral imperative, it makes sound business sense. Matt Phelan, who has run agencies, notes in The Business Case for Happiness that there are many scientific studies which show happy employees means happier customers, higher stock returns, success for individuals and companies. We have a myriad of CPD Gold Accredited agencies who can demonstrate that their efforts to protect the wellbeing of their employees has not only helped their people but has created positive business benefits.

We have conducted research into Gen Z’s work desires as they will be over a third of our workforce by 2030. More than ever they want a good work/life balance This borne out in the IPA 2023 Census which showed that only 1.7% of agencies mandated full time in the office. And that is one reason we have an entire hub devoted to helping agencies and their people with resources for greater wellbeing and mental health.

For more resources to help you recruit outstanding young talent, visit our careers hub
Last updated 02 September 2024