TouchPoints Making Sense (Sixth Edition)

The commercial media landscape

This report uses data from IPA TouchPoints 2024 (September–December 2023 and January–April 2024) to help planners and advertisers better understand how the commercial media landscape has evolved, and how this has influenced consumer behaviour.

The report is broken down into three sections. First, we look at the broad media landscape today. Then, in section two, we focus on understanding how the GB adult population spend their media day. Finally, in section three, we start to look at the differences between age groups, which we analyse from a 2024 perspective.

The analysis continues to show that across the last nine years, the curated commercial media landscape has been redefined by the rapid growth of smartphone usage and subscription-based media. However, the shifts are not universal; the commercial media landscape is becoming increasingly fragmented and complex in some areas, while in others we’re seeing increases in similarities between the commercial media usage habits of different age groups.