Weathering the tough times together

How the IPA is here for you in these difficult times.

In these toughest of times, agencies have proved their quick-thinking creativity and resourcefulness. IPA Director General Paul Bainsfair shares his thoughts on how our agencies have adapted to the pandemic and outlines how the IPA is here to help.

I have been in the advertising business for many years now and I have lived through plenty of good times and bad. I’ve seen severe economic shocks and tough recessions – but nothing so fundamentally disruptive as the Coronavirus. 

Almost overnight the pandemic has turned the world inside out and upside down, and forced us all to re-think how we live and work. 2020 has been a most extraordinary and challenging year. 

I believe that the crisis, tough and unsettling as it’s been, however, has in many respects brought the best out of the advertising industry. I have been impressed, but not surprised, by the agility and resilience shown by our agencies. And I have also been heartened by the reports from some members of how the situation has made certain clients appreciate more keenly the value their agencies provide for their businesses. In difficult times, it’s evident to me that the quick-thinking creativity and resourcefulness that are ingrained in agencies become all the more sought-after.

During this tough time, the IPA – as the power behind our practitioners - has actively been supporting, helping, inspiring and informing our agencies for which I believe that we have been more relevant and valuable to more members this year than at any other time I can remember.  

We have had an overwhelming response to our provision of free webinars, publications, training courses and qualifications. And via our website, newsletters and Zoom, we have been able to bring agencies together and disseminate important information, advice and thought leadership quickly and regularly. 

We’ve also worked hard to bang the drum for the importance of maintaining advertising spend during recessionary times, including our campaign that we have run this year in the Financial Times, which is designed to help business leaders understand the importance of long-term marketing investment. It seems to have gone down well with clients and agencies alike.

We are also delighted that our unprecedented offer of a COVID credit has been taken up by almost 100% of our agencies. The credit can be used for bookings for all IPA courses, qualifications and exams, including the new IPA-LSE MBA Essentials course. We hope it will provide you with some practical relief during these toughest of times. 

This unprecedented move represents a significant financial commitment on the IPA’s part which is made possible due to our long-term financial prudence. But more than this, it underlines our continuing resolve to stand alongside our member agencies in both good and bad times. By weathering this together, we will emerge stronger.

Find out more on how the IPA can help you during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Last updated 01 May 2024